Saturday, August 9, 2014

Book Review | The Archived

Thank the lord, I have found a novel with immense amounts of originality. Holy shoot. The Archived was such a rad book and Victoria Schwab is a stunning writer. All the feels cannot be contained. Plus, there was Guyliner, among other enjoyable things.

In this world, the dead are called Histories. A select number of humans are deemed Keepers who work within a place called the Narrows. When Histories awake from the Archive, Keepers must find them and make sure they are returned. Sounds simple enough. But it isn't. Especially for Mackenzie “Mac” Bishop who has recently had her world turned upside down. She is a young Keeper, one who has begun to notice that something is off within the realm of the Archive. More Histories are being disrupted and she is determined to get to the bottom of what appears to be a never ending puzzle. Up, down, and around we go on this mesmerizing adventure where past and present collide.

Oh my gosh, it has taken way too long to find a book in the same playing field as my favorite books of all time (the Divergent trilogy), when this book was brought to my attention. Hallelujah. Honestly, I don't know where to begin. First things first (don't go there), the premise is awesome. Somewhere between our world now and an advanced version of it, we have the Archive. Secondly, the character development is impeccable. Maybe not as brilliant as more notable books, but it's up there. I'm speaking mostly for the main protagonist, Mackenzie. Although, I think I speak for all fangirls when I say Guyliner was and remains bae. Excuse me while I slap myself for using that expression. Really though. His character felt genuine and wasn't forced in any way to be something he wasn't. Then again, I liked every character in the book. Not for who they were necessarily, but because they served a purpose.

  • Naming a character Da. It didn't read well.
  • The end. Saw it coming around a certain part but I don't care because it was executed strategically.
  • I will say, the first fifteen pages are confusing but it clears up fast.
  • Um, hi, dead people are kept on shelves.
  • The characters. They were great. Roland. Mackenzie. Guyliner. Everyone.
  • I thought I'd dislike the setting but it grew on me. Once the story was finished, I was glad it took place in an old hotel building and branched off of that.
  • The library.
  • I love when authors challenge you to think instead of doling out obvious bits and pieces of info and expecting me to be impressed. 

It's an eerie, emotional, and fast paced gem crafted by Victoria Schwab. I'm dying to pick up The Unbound, the second installment to this trilogy/series? To my knowledge, it hasn't been announced as to how a third book will be presented or if there will be more after that. I can dream/hope/pray/plead. Wait what.

This book is a must read! 

5 out of 5 stars uh-huh,uh-huh, I like it

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