Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly original meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week focuses on books I'd love to get my hands on, but unfortunately, I do not own yet. By the way, I know I haven't been posting as much lately but I swear, I will try my hardest to turn that around next week!
1. Angel Fall by Susan Ee
I cannot find this book or it's sequel anywhere. I am determined to find a copy of this book somewhere very, very soon.
2. The Diviners by Libba Bray
Um yeah, it's entirely my fault that I don't own this yet. There's one copy of it at my local bookstore and it isn't the cover edition that I want. I'll eventually get my hands on this edition and live happily ever after!
3. The Unbound by Victoria Schwab
I read The Archived awhile back and I am super excited to read the next book in line! More Guyliner to make my life complete.
4. Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Okay, basically I'm obsessed with Victoria Schwab. I'd like to read all of her books within the next year.
5. The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith
I give to you, Robert Galbraith but LOL J.K. Rowling...I don't have the jokes you guys, I apologize. Anyway, I'm going to have to find time to read this which may come as a challenge. I'm already drowning with my current to-be-read list which ironically consists of the Harry Potter series.
6. Vivian Divine is Dead by Lauren Sabel
This isn't typically the type of book I'm drawn to but I'll admit, a lot of the appeal was because of the title and cover. After finding it thanks to Goodreads, I can confidently say I am stoked to read this!
7. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
I'm a huge fan of Mitch Albom. Although I didn't love The Time Keeper, I did love The Five People You Meet in Heaven. My memoir teacher during my senior year of high school also loves Mitch Albom and she encouraged me to read more by him, hence this book.
8. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
I know so many people that love Brandon Sanderson's books, especially this trilogy and I want to read this as soon as possible.
9. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Never in a million years did I think I'd want to read a classic in my free time, but I definitely do.
10. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
I love dystopian, therefore, I must go out and buy a copy of this. It's as simple as that. Leedle.
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